Friday, September 20, 2013

Couple New Layouts

Here is another set of layouts that I did this week.

They are both from the New Collab Kit called Fruit Loop by She Creates and Jen Yurko at STO


Kassi started on a fast pitch competitive team this summer. She is on the small side and so her pitch zone is almost nonexistent which makes it very hard for people to pitch to her. 90% of the time she would get hit by the pitch instead of get a ball that she could hit. She soon got the nick name of "Target" by her team members and they had a chant that they would yell everytime that she got up to bat that said she had pee wee power and to watch out because even though she was small she had the power to knock it out. 

Logan Canyon
Zoe and T.J. had a blast playing in the river in Logan Canyon last weekend. T.J. thinks Zoe is a pretty awesome friend to have around and won't let her out of his site.

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